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  • Writer's pictureDustin S

Introducing Rev Issue #2

Hey Tribe,

This is Dustin the co-creator of REV, and I’m excited to be showing off the next issue of the series. In the first book we got to explore the tough city Rev is dealing with while seeing he is not so “super” after all. Rev is basically bleeding out at the end, but we went ahead and left this as a cliffhanger!

Instead REV 2 explores more of the backstory of Derrik, the guy behind the mask and how he simply cares about his city. There are some dirty cops and gangs rampant, but he finds he still finds time to protect his neighborhood kids. Some questionable actions come into play as the story begins to unfold a bit.

Don’t worry, by the end of REV #3 we will understand what happened after Rev was shot.

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